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Meet the band
a brief history

Breeze formed in 2000 when Steve and Jamie attended The Academy of Contemporary Music. One night (after a few beers!) they decided to put together the tightest function band on the market. The band were to be called Breezer....much like the popular alcopop of the day! 

Breezer was formed with the addition of Rich. And it wasn't until one of the first gigs in Spain that the compare introduced the band as "Breeze" - the well known band name you know them to be today. Before they knew it they were turning up at venues advertised as Breeze and it just stuck.

Through much of the 2000's Breeze were spending life playing in bars and hotels in Spain and Andorra. Playing every  night (sometimes two gigs a night) for years. This is great for 3 reasons. Firstly the chance to meet and work with some amazing people. Secondly it's the most fun you can have with your clothes on. And lastly, as a band, it makes you super tight. Steve, Rich and Jamie shared an almost telepathic understanding of what each person was going to do on stage. It allowed them to rock out requests (that they've never played before) and make them sound like they've been playing them for years. A skill they're still able to do to this day - which is a very rare thing for a live band.

Then, returning back to the UK,  they set about becoming the finest band in town. Enter Neill! 

With the addition of Neill the band was complete. There was suddenly no limitation as what songs could be performed. Breeze instantly had another top guitarist, incredible keyboard player....and what a voice! all these attributes in one person is incredibly rare. Add that to the already established Breeze and they were formidable!

Fast forward 15 years and they're better than ever. Still loving every second of performing. Still excited for the next gig. Still practicing and learning. 

If your reading this you've probably seen and experienced what a night with Breeze involves. Relentless anthems from start to finish. So contact now if you want to have and unforgettable evening!

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